Te Aka Matua Service

Hei Oranga mo ngā Whānau: Wellbeing for our Whānau

Our vision

Te Aka Matua Service is committed to the achievement of health equity that results in Māori patients and their whānau being able to have at the least the same if not increased health status of those populations less impacted.

Achieving health equity requires a whole of government and system approach and increased focus on improving access to services for Māori.

Our mission

Te Aka Matua Service mission is to:

  • Support a focus on tangata whenua
  • Support transition from secondary specialist services to primary or community care
  • Prioritise māmā and pēpi, tamariki
  • Prioritise high need rangatahi, pakeke and koroua/ kuia

Who we are

The Te Aka Matua Service office is based at Rotorua Hospital. They are located at the front entrance, opposite the Security and Attendants' station.

Pou Manukura (Manager)
Leadership is provided by Whariki Gardiner, an experienced manager who is conversant in the Māori world.

Manawa Pou & Manawa Ora
The Manawa Pou are a small but focused team who are driven by the collective understanding of the importance of contributing to achieving Māori health equity for all Māori patients and their whanau.

The teams take ownership and collective responsibility in efforts to deliver quality and culturally safe services.

The Te Whatu Ora Lakes Te Aka Matu Service stand in a row outside the front of the Rotorua Hospital. There are eight, four men and four women..

Our dedicated team of Manawa Pou, Pou Awhina & Manawa Ora are:

Hinema Rurehe, Manawa Pou (Children's Unit, Birthing Unit, SCBU, OPRS) 

Hubertus (Herbie) Langendoen, Manawa Pou (ICU/CCU and Medical Unit) ext 5016

Koro Tini, Manawa Pou (Orthopaedic, Surgical and Emergency) ext 8806/8829

Te Whawhanga Williams, Manawa Pou ext 8806/8829

Ange Tipu, Manawa Ora (Community Mental Health) 07 343 5050

Hemi McKinney Richards, Manawa Ora (Whare Whakaue, Te Ngako) 07 343 5050

Tina Sutherland, Pou Awhina (Outpatients) 027 405 3716

Whariki Gardiner, Pou Manukura, 0273 630 295, ext 8097


Email teakamatua@lakesdhb.govt.nz

Phone  (07) 349 9009 (extn 8829 or 8806)

Mobile: 027 363 0295- Whariki Gardiner, Pou Manukura (Manager)

Te Aka Matua lead daily karakia in the Rotorua Hospital Atrium at 8am, this is open to patients and staff.

Click here for Taupō Hospital Kaupapa Māori Services