Rotorua Maternity Services
Nau mai haere mai, welcome to our maternity services at Rotorua Hospital.
Our maternity service is available to support you throughout all of the stages of your pregnancy, during childbirth and once your pēpi has been born.
We work in partnership with you and your chosen LMC to provide the most appropriate care for you and your pēpi specific needs.
Our Rotorua Maternity Service is comprised of:
- Antenatal Clinic
- Day Assessment Unit
- Primary Midwife Clinic
- Birthing Unit
- Perinatal Unit
- Special Care Baby Unit
To contact our Rotorua Maternity Services phone Rotorua Hospital on (07) 348 1199
Rotorua Maternity Services
The Rotorua Hospital Birthing Unit provides both primary and secondary inpatient services for women/people during labour and birth.
We are pleased to offer eight (8) modern birthing rooms all with ensuite bathrooms. Four (4) of these rooms also have pools for use during labour and birth.
You are welcome to have up to two support people (aged over 16), with you at all times while in labour.
General visiting hours for other whānau and friends are: 8am - 8pm.
Children who are immediate whānau are welcome within visiting hours.
The Perinatal Inpatient Unit comprises ten (10) single rooms, which have either ensuite or shared bathrooms, and all have air conditioning units for personalised temperature control.
The unit also has four (4) ‘Mothercraft’ rooms available to women/people who may have a baby in the Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) or need extra assistance to establish breastfeeding.
A support person is able to stay on the unit, to assist you overnight with care of your pēpi. Your own linen/sleeping bag needs to be brought to the unit for the support person.
The Maternity Unit is accredited with Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative status. All midwives are expertly skilled to assist with breastfeeding. A Lactation Consultant is also available to assist and support mothers with any identified issues with breastfeeding.
The Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) is a 10-cot, level two neonatal unit, located alongside the Rotorua Hospital Birthing and Perinatal Units.
It provides care for sick and/or preterm infants greater than 32 weeks gestation. Only small or very unwell babies are transferred out of Rotorua Hospital, to a level three unit.
For more information about SCBU facilities please click here.
For any identified issues with breastfeeding women are supported by a Lactation Consultant.
The Maternity Unit is accredited with Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative status.
All midwives are expertly skilled to assist with breastfeeding.
Pregnant? Find a midwife now.
It is FREE to register with a midwife.
We encourage you to register for free care with your chosen Lead Maternity Carer (LMC) as soon as you know you are pregnant, so you and your pēpi can receive the best care from as early as possible.
To find a midwife in your area:
Please go to:
If unable to find a midwife, please phone: 0800 Lakes Baby (0800 525 372).