NETP Programme

What does the NETP programme involve?

Te Whatu Ora Lakes has a long history of delivering graduate nurse programmes to newly registered nurses.

Graduates are valued in terms of workforce development of nurses wanting to work with our unique population demographics. 

Clinical placements are within hospital and community settings.

Ongoing reviews of the programme over time ensure we continue to meet both the needs of the new graduate, the developing workforce and the community in which health care is delivered.

The team at Lakes is here to support this vision and the new graduate transition from a beginner practitioner to a competent practitioner. 

Philosophy of the NETP programme

Newly qualified registered nurses require a supportive learning environment to effectively transition from student practitioner to competent registered nurse. 

Our programme builds on undergraduates education and experience using practical skills and critical thinking which are grounded in practice development reality.

Goals and aims of the NETP programme

The intention of the NETP programme at Te Whatu Ora Lakes is to facilitate the transition from student to competent registered nurse in a way that is both supportive and challenging and by providing a learning environment that: 

  • is based on Nursing Council requirements for competency
  • reflects the needs of the Te Whatu Ora Lakes district population demographics
  • consolidates clinical skills
  • encourages critical thinking
  • links reflection to action
  • develops and supports decision making and workload management prioritisation
  • links nurses to professional development opportunities
  • is evidenced based
  • aids socialisation into the organisation
  • provides critical companionship
  • achieves competent level on Lakes PDRP (Nursing Council New Zealand approved)

Programme structure

The NETP programme is the first stepping stone in a nursing career entering as a beginner practitioner and finishing the programme as a competent nurse assessed against New Zealand Nursing Council Competencies.

The Lakes NETP reflects the nationally recognised NETP requirements.

  • It is run and overseen by Te Whatu Ora Lakes
  • The program is run over 12 months (in special circumstances the nurse can complete the program in 10 months if all requirements are met)
  • There is a maximum of two clinical placements / rotations within the duration of the programme
  • There are the equivalent of 12 group learning / study days (inclusive of a level 8 university accredited course)

There is an award of a Certificate of Achievement on successful completion of the course requirements, this is presented at the conclusion of the programme. 

NETP placement opportunities can be found throughout the provider arm of Te Whatu Ora Lakes in both generalist and specialist areas, such as Emergency Department, Children’s Unit, Medical, Orthopaedic and Surgical.

The list continues to expand as suitable placements are sourced. 

NETP also provides a supported first year of practice programme for graduate nurses employed in organisations outside the hospital setting.

Specifically, this programme is for those organisations that are funded to provide clinical services via Ministry of Health (MoH) contracts or Te Whatu Ora Lakes planning and funding contracts.

These organisations include:

  • Primary Health Care organisations
  • Aged residential care
  • Iwi/Māori providers
  • Non Government organisations (NGOs)
  • General Practice
  • Hospice Palliative Care


The NETP programme will be individualised to meet the needs of the new graduate and practice setting.

The NETP programme will either include a post graduate paper relevant to the practice setting or other appropriate training i.e. immunisation certificate. 

Cultural support model

Mā te whakātu, ka mohio

Mā te mohio ka marama

Mā te marama ka matau

Mā te matau ka ora


Once you are shown, you will know

Once you know, you will understand

Once you understand, you will have information

Once you have information, you will be knowledgeable

-Pā Henare Tate

Purpose of cultural support

Cultural support provides mechanisms for Māori nurses and midwives to develop their clinical and cultural practice as Māori health practitioners through their training, enhancing the likelihood of Māori successfully completing post graduate papers and the NETP programme and would be achieved through kaupapa Māori principles of:

  • Te Ao Māori – Māori worldview
  • Matauranga Māori – Māori knowledge
  • Mohiotanga – Māori experiential learning
  • Pukenga – being skilled in, or having a repository of specific skills
  • Te Whiriwhiritanga – weaving together the strand